Paid Parental Leave

The state law establishing paid parental leave for eligible state employees became effective July 1, 2021, and was revised on July 1, 2024.

An eligible employee is limited to a maximum allotment of 240 hours of PPL in a 12-month period even when transferring to another employing entity within the state. As a result, it is the responsibility of the employer to conduct due diligence to ensure that the employee has not used his or her 240 hour allotment prior to approving the request for leave.

Paid parental leave under state law shall run concurrently with any leave provided under federal law (FMLA, etc.).

Eligibility Requirements

The following employees are eligible for this benefit.

  • Classified as full-time

  • 6 months of continuous employment

  • Employed by the local board of education

The state law establishing PPL specifies only the following three qualifying events:
(a) birth of the employee’s child,
(b) placement of a minor child for adoption with the employee, and
(c) placement of a minor child for foster care with the employee.
Note: Prenatal care appointments and absences due to medical conditions during pregnancy do not fall under the qualifying event of the birth of a child.

Request Process

If you wish to take Paid Parental Leave, please follow the steps below.

  1. Complete the Paid Parental Leave Request Form prior to the requested leave.

  2. Send an email notification to Dr. Jaime Garrett,; Myra Ingle,; and your supervisor prior to taking leave.

Frequently Asked Questions

Paid Parental Leave (PPL) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)