Exceptional Student Services

The Exceptional Student Services Division  addresses the unique needs of a student eligible to receive special education services. Special education is provided at no cost to parents and includes the related services a student needs to access her/his educational program.

Students with disabilities who are determined eligible for special education and related services are entitled to a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). Services are provided to eligible students according to an Individualized Education Program (IEP) in preschools, elementary, and secondary schools, or other appropriate settings.

The Exceptional Student Services Division will:

  • Promote and participate in collaboration with all stakeholders to provide support for students, schools, and the district; 

  • Facilitate identification, evaluation and placement of students utilizing Federal and State guidelines;

  • Provide specialized instructional support to all schools; 

  • Provide direction and support for resources that support classroom instruction and meet students' unique needs; 

  • Facilitate and ensure that a Free Appropriate Public Education is provided to eligible students.

Programs and Services

Services are currently provided for approximately 400 students, 3-21 years of age. A continuum of services is offered for students identified as eligible under the State of Georgia Regulations for special education. Disability areas served are Autism, Deafblind, Deaf/Hard of Hearing, Emotional and Behavioral Disorder, Intellectual Disabilities (Mild, Moderate, Severe, Profound), Orthopedic Impairment, Other Health Impairment, Significant Developmental Delay, Specific Learning Disability, Speech-Language Impairment, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Visual Impairment and Blindness.  

Services are provided in a variety of settings, including regular education classes, co-taught classes, separate classrooms, and self-contained classrooms. Community-based instruction, hospital/homebound, online and work-study programs are examples of instruction provided in alternative settings. To ensure all students reach their full potential, goals and objectives are developed with instruction taking place in an appropriate classroom setting.

Meet the ESS Administrative Team

