Pay in full:
Pay in full by check or cash at CCS Central Office:
In-person payments accepted at Central Office (334 S. Wall Street) during the week of July 8-12 2024, between 8 am-4 pm.
Pay online by credit card.
Set up online ACH payments and fee by July 15th:
This option requires setup by the deadline.
Students must be paid in full or have ACH set up by July 15th to stay on class rosters.
Monthly payments:
Sign up for ACH withdrawals from your checking account.
Up-front fee: $25 for one student, $50 for 2 students, or $60 for three or more students.

Payment due before enrollment.
Paid in full by check or cash at Central Office.
Paid online by credit card. Full year tuition only.
Out of District Contract Form