Calhoun Elementary School held its annual school-wide Spelling Bee on Tuesday, December 12th. Twenty-four students from grades 4-6 qualified for the spelling bee based on a written spelling assessment completed prior to Thanksgiving Break. After many rounds, CES sixth grader, Joey Errickson, emerged as the spelling bee champion by correctly spelling the final word, “sausage.” The top three finishers will move on to represent CES at the District Spelling Bee in January, where they will compete with the top three finishers from the CMS Spelling Bee. CES is extremely proud of these students and their excellence in academics.
Congratulations to Joey Errickson for achieving 1st place, Jayce Watson for securing 2nd place, and Harper Montgomery for taking 3rd place in the 2023-2024 Spelling Bee!
CES Spelling Bee Qualifiers: Evangeline Afdahl, Bryan Alvarez, Kaitlin Aplicano, Darwin Bonilla, Violet Coombe, Raegan Dennis, Audrey Dobbs, Jax Duke, Joey Errickson, Adrian Harris, Alana Hogan, Madi Johnson, Tyshaun Lee, GG Lewis, Elian Marroq, Trezure Mcghee, Rylen McKee, Harper Montgomery, Dax Murphy, Tiffany Nguyen, Diego Rivera Carrasco, Sailor Steele, Sylvie Sutton, Jayce Watson
A special thanks to the parents, teachers, and administration whose invaluable support makes events like this possible. Calhoun Elementary School deeply appreciates the opportunity to celebrate our students and their achievements! #CCSHeroes #DiscoverTheHeroWithinYou