ctae engineering

The Calhoun City Schools Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education program and teacher, Mrs. Kimberly Jones, celebrate the Industry Certification of the Engineering & Technology program. Industry Certification is conducted through a combined partnership of the Georgia Department of Education and the International Technology and Engineering Educators Association (ITEEA).

Program certification recognizes Mrs. Jones's efforts to educate her students about equipment, employability skills, and careers to help prepare students for post-secondary college and career success. To achieve this distinction, the instructor not only had to plan and teach exemplary lessons but also had to build strong relationships with local business and industry partners, who in turn, provide hands-on opportunities for the students through tours, guest speaking, and work-based learning placements. Additionally, as part of the certification process, the instructor must provide evidence of an active local advisory committee, demonstrate that students are involved in a career and technical student organization (TSA- Technology Student Association), and demonstrate the commitment to grow professionally through participation in professional development.

The industry certification process is a stamp of excellence on the program and is a testament to the program’s quality. The Georgia Department of Education is committed to this process as it is a direct benefit to the students, school, and the community. Ultimately, programs that pursue this distinction are committed to improving student preparation and ensuring that Georgia’s workforce meets the demands of the 21st century. For their efforts, the certified program received a $13,000 grant to purchase tools and equipment from the Georgia legislature.

Congratulations to Mrs. Kimberly Jones and the Calhoun High School Engineering & Technology students on achieving this recognition! #CTAEDelievers #CCSHeroes