ccs system leadership

Calhoun City Schools’ System Leadership team recently visited the Junior Achievement of Northwest Georgia - Discover Center in Dalton, GA. Thanks to the education partnership with JA of Northwest Georgia, CCS students enjoy visiting JA Biztown to “fuel their fascination” and JA Finance Park to “launch their independence” with real-life situations and the challenges of starting and running a business. As a district, CCS is committed to providing students with hands-on learning experiences that foster important mindsets and skills for success. Some of the shared core values with JA of Northwest Georgia include inspiring all students, embracing diversity, nurturing collaboration, and promoting moral economics and entrepreneurship to enhance our workforce.

Calhoun City Schools is incredibly proud to see our very own Calhoun High's class of 2016 #CCSHeroes and Junior Achievement’s Emily Jourdain, Director of Volunteer Partnerships and Experience, and Lily Prater, Director of Brand Strategies, advocate for meaningful, relevant learning opportunities that prepare our students for the future. Visit to learn more about the meaningful experiences Junior Achievement has to offer that align with Georgia Performance Standards and Common Core Standards.

“Collaborating with our local business and education partners, we have the power to nurture our students into individuals equipped with the right mindset, skills, and self-assurance to thrive in excellence,” shared Superintendent Dr. Michele Taylor. For community members and businesses interested in partnering with Calhoun City Schools to provide such opportunities to enhance the workforce, please get in touch with Dr. Brandi Hayes, Director of College and Career Academy, at or Director of School and Community Relations, Kayla Ralston, at Calhoun City Schools looks forward to sharing more about developing opportunity partnerships. #DiscoverTheHeroWithinYou