ccs technology competition image

Registration is now open for the 18th Annual CCS Technology Competition. The competition will be held Thursday, December 7, 2023 at Calhoun High School. This is a competition for students in grades 3-12 to showcase their technological skills. Students wanting to compete in the CCS technology competition will create a project in 1 of 14 possible categories and present their project to judges during the tech competition. Students can work individually or in a group of two students.  

Students can also enter the CCS Technology Competition logo design contest even if not competing in the technology competition. The winner of the logo competition will win a $50 gift card and a t-shirt with their logo on it!

Important deadlines: 

  • CCS Technology Competition Registration deadline: Friday, 11/10/23
  • Logo competition deadline: Friday, 11/10/23

Visit the CCS Technology Competition Website for information about the  competition and logo contest and to register for the competition.