Student Services

Calhoun City Schools employ various professionals to assist children in achieving their maximum academic potential. Working together School Counselors, Family Engagement Coordinators, School Nurses, and Social Workers provide support services for students from PreK through high school graduation. Through a multi-discipline approach, these professionals focus on emotional, behavioral, social, physical, and academic domains to address barriers to school success.

Do you have questions about a particular program or service? Below is a contact list for our different programs.


Contact Person



Attendance Protocol

Amanda Schutz


Email Amanda Schutz

Calhoun On-line Learning Academy

Melanie Harwell


Email Melanie Harwell

Equity in Sports - Title IX

Hal Lamb


Email Hal Lamb

Federal Programs (Title I, Title II, Title III, TItle IV, Title VB)

Amanda Schutz


Email Amanda Schutz

Foster Care Point of Contact

Abigail Ayers


Email Abigail Ayers

Home School Information

Georgia Department of Education


More Information on Georgia Department of Education

Homeless Children and Youth

Cecilia Hebard


Email Cecilia Hebard

Hospital Homebound, Special Education, and 504/MTSS

Heather McCrone


Email Heather McCrone

Migrant Education

Amanda Schutz


Email Amanda Schutz

Parent and Family Engagement

Amanda Schutz


Email Amanda Schutz

Pre-K/ Junior Jacket Academy

Amanda Swift


Email Amanda Swift

Special Education (Exceptional Student Services)

Heather McCrone


Email Heather McCrone

Student Information

Melanie Harwell


Email Melanie Harwell

Title VI (Discrimination) Coordinator

Amanda Schutz


Email Amanda Schutz

Title IX (Harassment) Coordinator

Amanda Schutz


Email Amanda Schutz


Dr. Peter Coombe


Email Peter Coombe

Volunteer Information

Family Engagement Coordinators

Contact School


amanda schutz

Amanda Schutz, Ed.S., MSW, LCSW - Director of Federal Programs / Student Services

Mrs. Amanda Schutz has been employed with Calhoun City Schools since 2003 when she was hired as the system School Social Worker. In 2002, she earned her state license as a clinical social worker.  Amanda had the distinction of being named the state School Social Worker of the year in 2009. She served as the President of the state School Social Workers Association of Georgia from 2011-2012. In the 2012-13 school year, she was given additional responsibilities as the Director of Student Services. Since coming to CCS, she has also served as the Homeless Liaison, coordinated the Family Engagement Coordinators, Migrant Education Program, Neglected and Delinquent Program and served as the Foster Care Point of Contact.  Amanda was promoted to the Director of Federal Programs and Student Servies in February of 2022. Over the years, Amanda has written and received numerous state and federal grants bringing in over $4 million dollars to Calhoun City Schools in the areas of literacy, school safety, school counseling, school social work and suicide prevention. While with CCS, Amanda has supervised 10 master level social work interns providing additional support for our students. 

Amanda received her bachelor’s degree in social work from Georgia State University. She graduated with a Master of Social Work degree from the University of Georgia in 1998 and received a Master of Educational Leadership add-on from the University of Alabama in 2003. In 2009, she completed her Education Specialist degree from Piedmont University. Amanda is a 2004 graduate of the Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Program and serves on numerous community committees. 

Amanda and her husband, Michael, have been proud residents of Calhoun since 1998. They have two children, Catie, who is a sophomore at Young Harris College, and Noah, who is a sophomore at Calhoun High School. 

Email Amanda Schutz

calhoun city schools